Here is a collection of a few video's - including her laughing so enjoy!
Also I wanted to thank everyone that has bought Kate clothes, they are all great and it means that Kate actually had a choice of clothes - and the rate that she pooped and threw up she actually had something to change into ;) - just a thought, for future reference, please send clothes that are for both a boy and a girl, that way if we have a boy we don't have to shop from scratch (yes OK we are planning on having more then one child for those that feel like being smart...) nice bright colors are always great.
Though Kate does always look really cute - especially while laughing as seen above.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, they mean everything to us - especially all your prayers as we are still trying to get a hold of what needs to be done for our future and what to do best for our family.
love from us!
What a beautiful laugh just like her mum :)
Words do not explain the excitment that I feel over seeing Kate be her.
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