Wednesday, September 30, 2015


 First day of school , they are getting so big. They were very excited about going to school. Some days we get to walk or take the car. Now they come with me to work and take the bus to school.

 The 2 older girls joined the lego club at the library.

 Jaylee's first day of preschool. She is loving the fact that she is going to school like her big sisters,

She has also been taking naps at school - She has been taking more naps since she has been at Pre-K then all the rest of the year... 

They had their first field trip - we got to go to learning tree farm. They all had a blast. They got to see a lot of animals. This was also the first real day of fall, which kinda made it even more awesome.

The move

We moved! so we made the big trip to Ohio, good times.
Was a big undertaking as all moves are but we survived.

 Driving down, thankfully all the vehicles made it and also we had lots of help along the way.

 Playing mini golf with Opa and Oma

 We have a awesome pool where we are at - so the girls had a blast there.

Jaylee as always does not want to go to bed by herself yet so it is not uncommon to find her sleeping in odd places

Herb took a few weeks but finally adjusted to his old ways

 Grandpa and Grandma came for a visit - The girls loved the visit.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Backyard fun

 Yes we fly kites on the trampoline...

At Bill and Audrey's with both sides of the family

 Having one last swim at Mr Kevin and Miss Michelle's house

 I got to pick Caleb up from the airport 'once in a blue moon'


Beach day

We went to the beach for one day with Grandpa, Grandma and June

 Good times!

The Clemens Clan

Above are all the grandkids
below the grand kids with the grandparents,

We took it outside for the better lighting - here is everyone except Kirsten - she was missed!

More with just the gandkids - as I said better lighting...