Monday, March 29, 2010

a moment with smores.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Anna's crawling!

Anna just started to really crawl, so now comes all the fun stuff of getting everything out of the way, cause she see's something and heads right for it. fun, fun, fun!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As Grandma has been away for a bit, the responsibility for walking the dog has fallen onto Kate, lets see how she does...

it looks more like Remmy walks Kate

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Monday, March 8, 2010


Grandma and Grandpa took Kate and June to Chucky cheese, which by the looks of the photos they had a lot of fun.

We are all doing well too, we have just moved in with Grandma and Grandpa (Caleb's parents) we will be here for a little bit until we figure out what to do.
We were trying to buy a house but that fell through and now we are interested in another - this one would be great, so all please pray that it all goes smoothly - and quickly.

Anna also got her check up today and she now weighs 21 ponds and is 27 1/4" (9.75 kilo and 69.2 cm) She is growing well and everything looks great. She has one tooth through and anohter just about to pop through. She is also just started to push herself forward so it is a matter of days till she crawls.

Kate is also doing well, she took longer to adjust to the move then I thought she would but now has settled a little. Both she and Anna are sharing a room so that takes a little getting used to as well.

Otherwise things are going well, as stated before we could use all the prayer we can to get this house - it is perfect in so many ways.

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