Tuesday, September 30, 2008

up and about

Kate is starting to stand by herself, so it will not be long before she walks. Just don't watch this too many times or you will start to cringe!

Kate loves to just sit there and open and close the door - very cute.

Kate is also fascinated by the TV and could just sit there and watch it, and sometimes as you can see on the video takes a bit to distract her from it. - well as long as it is a kids music program, she loves music so I have it on all the time as it is anyway.
It is also very serious business says 'miss frown a lot'

Monday, September 22, 2008

just being me...

Not too sure what happened... just being me I suppose!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


June came to stay for nearly 2 weeks, and that was a lot of fun. They both had a lot of fun together and Kate kept looking around for her when she went back home.

Nothing like having rides on swings, merry go rounds and people!

Life is no fun without food involved... Where there is food people will always be happy! - you can tell that they are cousins!

And after that is all said and done, cleaning those smelly dipers!