Tuesday, January 3, 2017

October 2016

Here are some more photos of October, which are mostly all new experiences in New Zealand.

First day at Goodwood school - above
below are of the girls getting recognition of being new kids at shcool

 The girls had their first Ag day at school - I knew it as calf club day where kids bring in their calves, lambs or baby goats. Because the girls did not have those they got to do other fun activities...
Anna made a veggie animal
Kate made a diorama
Jaylee made animals with pine cones.

 Jaylee had a field trip with school, we went to the Hamilton Gardens.
 I love these photos as it shows her spunk.

 We went to "The Mount" with Erik and the family, it was a real fun day - even with Kate being sick in the car. Thanks Uncle Erik dealing with the mess...

The girls got to have their faces painted at the farmers market

 The girls went to a  'light party' for Halloween They had the same costumes as last year with a few modifications. They still fit nicely and the girls looked fantastic. Jaylee won the best costume of the  night! Thank you Auntie Gloria for taking them as I was sick.