Friday, November 14, 2014

Kate's 7th birthday

Kate has now turned 7 - craziness... She is really turning into an amazing young lady.
This year for her birthday party we went to Chuck e Chesses. We invited her whole class and we really had a lot of fun. It was a really good choice and Kate really enjoyed herself.
Above you see her with chuck e cheese himself.
Part of going there was hanging out with Chuck e Cheese.

Here she is with her class mates and friends, they got pizza - yum yum.

 She got to go in the ticket blaster - and if you look closely she caught the 1000 ticket, ticket. She was really able to get some good prizes with that.

yum cake

Playing games are a big part of the chuck e cheese experience - the reason to go. And they really did get in a lot of game time. all ages...

This is Rebecca, one of Kate's closer friends, they really did have a blast.


Ninja GO!

This year for Halloween the girls were Ninjas! we had so much fun with it, as you can tell Kate was the red ninja, Anna the black ninja and Jaylee was purple. These photos were taken down the road from us - a small spot I found while biking. I thought it would be perfect with the fall leaves for photos. Anna really pulled if off well, you really have to look for her.

 I had some fun playing with the photo program on the phone.

Here we are waiting for the bus, they got to dress up for the parade at school.
At the school party Kate was dressed up as a mummy...
Trick or Treat!
as usual we went to Denton, here the ninjas are helping Grandpa and Grandma get the house ready for trick or treaters. Being on main street they get swamped.

 And they are off! We did have a lot of fun - the girls ate too much candy - ok me too...

The house

 Just a couple random house photos, we are slowly improving things as we go along. above you see a rainbow made extra pretty with the sunset.

We have painted/weatherized the front and side steps for the winter. a little redder then anticipated but it worked out really well. Jaylee helped as always.

There was a storm blowing in so I thought it made a cool effect against the house with the leave changing color. one advantage of picking the kids up off the bus on foot.

 I have also been working on improving the front of the house, it has been a long process - 4 months of work and we are not done - but done enough for the winter. The girls really 'helped' with putting the pebbles in place.

 Here is the end result - for now...

I also painted the sheep shed.


 We had some professional photos taken, they still need to arrive but I took a few on the side - they had fun playing at the beach.


We went camping for the first time as a family. We had a blast and I am sure that it will not be the last time. We went to the mountains - so beautiful. Very relaxing and a much needed break.

What is camping without some good s'mores around the campfire.

The girls sleeping, Kate somehow managed to turn Jaylee's legs into a pillow, then they got all cozy together - so cute!

Morning pancakes.

The mountains on the ride home, also we went through DC by accident, but it was good to see some monuments in the distance.

 Not that the girls were watching...