Friday, June 21, 2013

Go Shorebirds Go!

We went to our first ball game, it was a lot of fun! 
next time I will remember the sweaters!

                                       Jaylee was in her prime of cuteness!


 Opa is here! Yay he is back in the US for a visit. He is here for 10 days, the girls are loving it.
working in the garden, the puzzle will go on the wall, and just loving on him - 92, can you believe it?

We also now the proud owners of 15 Guinea Fowl Keets, they are so cute!
can't wait to send them outside to start eating the ticks.

even Herb is very interested.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Anna's now 4!

Anna is now 4 - can you believe it?

 She got her cowgirl hat for on her birthday itself..

 Birthday party day we got to spend with all the grandparents, Opa en Oma, Uncle Severin and family. was lots of fun and the kids had a blast!

Indian Kebabs for dinner, yummo

 Pinata time...


 she got more dress up hats for her birthday, princesses and barbies.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


We got to go to Virginia Beach for vacation, just the 5 of us. It was so much fun, the girls were great, the weather was great - a vacation to remember.

On the last day we found a section of beach with natural tide pools, which was fantastic for the girls, they really loved this part of the beach, warmer water and smaller waves to play in, the best day!

walking along the board walk

 they slept together on the same full bed, so sweet (when they finally slept ;)

its amazing how sometimes the spontaneous vacations and moments can be the best. :)
thanks Caleb for making it all possible.