Tuesday, March 13, 2012

At home

Now that the weather is improving we can play outside - and upstairs more. (upstairs its the same temp as outside as it needs to be insulated)

We made a house with the empty moving boxes upstairs

And we have been able to fly a kite outside, we get lots of wind here which will be great to help keep us cool in the summer - which also makes great kite flying weather.

Purim celebration

A family from church organized a Purim Celebration. That is the party from way back from Queen Esther and how God used her to save the Jews back in the day...
It was a new experience for us, it involved songs, the story itself - very interactive and of course you had to dress up as a old testament character. I was Miriam and I have to say it was really hard to think what to do for the girls so they ended up being modern princesses - the pink and purple... And it ended with a parade.