Thursday, August 26, 2010


I finally have had a chance to update the blog, sorry it has been a while. The reason being we have no internet at the moment. We moved intending to move again, but that has not happened yet - we are still trying to buy a house. I dont know why it has been so hard for us, we need some prayer that it will finally work out for us.

June came for a visit, we had a lot of fun.

other news, for those that do not know yet, we are expecting our third daughter end December - very exciting. photos will follow shortly. we can't wait to see her. so far the pregnancy is going really well, she looks like she is healthy and developing really well.

The girls are doing really well. Kate is growing like a champ, she is also well on the way to being potty trained - nice, cause I was not keen on changing 3 girls diapers.
Anna is also doing well, in the last month she has got the hang of walking - so she is now unstoppable. very cute, she waves her arms in the air as she walks.

we had Opa and Oma here for 3 weeks so that was great, here are some photos...
We went to the beach, the pool, hung out a lot and just enjoyed having them here.

I hope to update again in the next week or so, hopefully we will get sorted out soon.
love Marlies