I have to be really careful that I do not do too much - which means that getting up to go to the loo is enough at a time but it is great to be home.
Kate is doing really well - she is feeding really well and has put on 55 grams - not a lot but it is a great sign. So is feeding so well that she has to learn to slow down a bit cause sometimes it is too much too fast so it all comes back out. But otherwise it is all really great.
Oh and we finally found out that she was 54cm in length (about 22.3 inches) Yes she is nice and long.
Caleb has been awesome this last week and no matter what he says he is amazing with Kate and will be a great father. (as you can tell below)

I also wanted to add some comments about the birth - while it is still in my memory and before I forget enough of it to go through it again later.
It was much harder then I thought but then the reward is much greater then I thought as well. I was going to talk about the pain - man was that bad - I dont know what I would have done if I did not get those 2 epiderals - I had the contractions in my back which were bad and then before the c-section. But that is not what this is all about, It is all about the moment that you become a parent. It is so amazing realizing that it is no longer all about me but all about us as a family. That this miracle that God has given us is just too amazing to understand. God has been there every step of the way even when I felt helpless when I could not pick her up as I had to recover a little more first I knew that God was there and it will be ok.
I love the picture that Caleb made it really touches my heart the way that we are just as precious in Gods eyes as Kate is in ours.
Well those are my thoughts for now, I will add some photos later when I know where Caleb put them.
Love you guys
It's great to have you home.
Enjoy the moments you two (three).
Babies grow up very fast.
Kate is amazing gift from God.
Love oma
Congratulations mom and dad!!! She looks adorable! You are so blessed to have this precious little miracle in your life. And that God trusted you with caring for her and guiding her
on her path to serve the Lord. We love you guys!
Guillaume and Michelle
Hooray and congrats to you both! Beautiful Kate!
Dave and Chris Rodriguez
She is just so beautiful and I pray that God will keep her safe and that she grows up to be a beautiful women of God.
Train up a child in the way she should go:
and when she is old, she will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Little Kate looks so beautiful. She is very blessed to have two great parents to love her to pieces. May God continue to bless you abundantly.
Love The Restitutos
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