Weighing in at 3.30 kg around 18" in length(sorry they didn't measure her yet).
Her name, Kate Antoinet Clemens, a beautiful and healthy girl.
It all started at around 800pm November 6th and was all was going well(outside of some serious contraction pain) until 1030am the 7th, when the midwife broke the water and noticed fecal matter in it. This is not a crazy emergency thing but it then required more active monitoring, so we went to the hospital. With Kate's heart being monitored along with Marlies' contractions we awaited full dialation. During the last hour or so, Marlies pushed and pushed to no avail and the Doctor was called in to give an opinion about an irregularity in the heartbeat. He came in very quickly, and due to no real progress from that time on it was decided to have a c-section done.
Marlies was prepped, so was I!
The surgery went well, and was extremely fast and Kate made her first little sound.
The pediatric physician allowed me to help clean and comfort Kate.
After a quick clean up mother child bonding ensued, this is the firm belief that a child knows its mother and needs her touch as soon as possible, which I believe in also.
Stay with me people, I know its a long post and everyone only likes photos, and I hate typing so just hang on a bit more to go!
I had the honor of staying with Kate the whole time pretty much, And as the midwife and I dressed and did some more minor cleaning I then got to hold her. As soon as I picked her up she made this amazing sound(for before this it was kind of like a cat).
Best described as a sigh of relief but with a little hum to it.
For those who do not know, nor understand the meaning of joy, having a child explains it beyond any words capacity.
The next day I arrived at the hospital around 10-11 am, after probably the worst night sleep ever and got to hold Kate and be with Marlies some more.
My two favorite women!
Then some more cuddle time with me, Daddy :D
That was Yesterday, but today was bath day!
Kate very anxious and cold squealed for all she had even a couple seconds into the water, then enter nirvana. I can tell bath time is going to be a good calming technique. Those are not my arms by the way. I still feel a strange clumbsiness and me ug and me crush baby feeling around Kate. So I let the assistant take the reigns and I sat back with the camera and one hand holding Kate now and then.

And just one last image that I took to show you how small and precious she really is.
And again remind me(and hopefully you) of what the joy and the perfect Love of the Father is when tangible to our eyes. This is my revelation of how He sees us, and until I had my own child I did not understand this, but now I do.

Wow what can you say to that:
What an amzing pretty little girl, she is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!
You did a great job Marlies, well done.
Congratulations MUM AND DAD
she is gorgeous,
but hey, with parents like that,
what can you expect.
love mum
I am so happy for all of you. What a great family you have. We are so proud of you Marlies what a great job you did. Lot's of hugs and kisses to you all -
mom and dad
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