Thursday, August 22, 2013

Some summer firsts

One major first is Jaylee is now a big girl in underwear! so it is really a last and not a first but hey its a biggie!
here is my big girl drawing a picture but that same proud face goes for the potty too! high 5!

first time successfully growing a sunflower -  but its the sunflower that would not stop growing and turned into this...

First time the girls slept in a tent - was a success, they had fun and actually slept the whole night through...

here you can see Kate is still sleeping in the morning mist - so sweet!

The girls had swimming lessons this year too - Kate was jumping in and swimming for the first time - one proud Mama! Jaylee and Anna had lessons with Grandpa and I in the water with them while Kate was by herself.

Thank you Grandpa for helping all week - the girls really enjoyed it and I could not have done it without you!

We just got our first sheep - yay, so excited!

1 comment:

opa and oma said...

Good swimming, Kate, well done!!!
opa and oma