Thursday, August 22, 2013

Some summer firsts

One major first is Jaylee is now a big girl in underwear! so it is really a last and not a first but hey its a biggie!
here is my big girl drawing a picture but that same proud face goes for the potty too! high 5!

first time successfully growing a sunflower -  but its the sunflower that would not stop growing and turned into this...

First time the girls slept in a tent - was a success, they had fun and actually slept the whole night through...

here you can see Kate is still sleeping in the morning mist - so sweet!

The girls had swimming lessons this year too - Kate was jumping in and swimming for the first time - one proud Mama! Jaylee and Anna had lessons with Grandpa and I in the water with them while Kate was by herself.

Thank you Grandpa for helping all week - the girls really enjoyed it and I could not have done it without you!

We just got our first sheep - yay, so excited!

some summer fun

enjoying the deck and just being outside!

 Water hose on the slide is always a must when it comes to the new swing set/tree house, it was a lot of fun and they just went so fast - did this a few times during the summer!

 Helping paint my walls is always fun, but with all that paint and with birthdays coming up it means painting cards too!

This summer we have had a lot of rain, so rain + warm + puddles = lots of fun, the best part being joining them with a game of soccer in the puddles - who says you get too old for some things?...