We are doing well as a family and adjusting to the new life.
The birth was not easy - but hey is it ever? but we are healing up well too and right now it is good to be home and getting used to life as it will never be the same.
Papa with Anna.
Caleb was awesome during the birthing processes - he was real supportive and I can not imagine having done this without him. (well... it is his fault really <;o)

Kate's first real ouwie

Kate is doing really well with Anna, she is learning to be gentle with her. She is very attentive to Anna and looks every time she cries.

Grandma is here to help us out - A very big thank you to her cause I really could not do this without her!
Out for a walk - she took both on their first walk.

Anna-Maria is so beautiful, she look's a lot like kate at that age:)
I have to say: she has a really really really cool middle name :):):)
love you guys
Hey schatjes,
Like Gloria said:
Anna-Maria really looks like kate.
But Yan doesn't like you called her Anna. She really wanted to give her baby that name if she gets a girl in the future...
And she also really like the name Joyce.
We soon need to start making one of our own before all the nice names are taken ;-)
Johan is also really proud to be grandfather again!
It's really nice Caleb's mom come to help you! I can imagine you really tired at this moment.
Yan and Corne
Just stating the obvious again... Anna really looks like Kate at that age, lol! As if you didn't hear that one before, hehe. Can't wait to see her in real life. Although I've got this feeling we won't be coming your way for a couple of years :'(
But hey, if you are around these parts of the world, be sure to give us a call ;)
Seriously, Anna is gorgeous. And it's great that Kate takes to her little sister so well!
We really miss you guys. It seems like such a long time since we saw you. We love you to bits and keep you in our prayers.
Love ya!
you guys look a lovely family! Congratulations again with Anna-Maria!!!
Hope recovering goes well and enjoy having Caleb's mom being around while it lastest. Let yourself be pampered!
I wish I could be there and see and help you guys in this lovely time. I miss you!!!! X X X
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