In time I added a blanket to the table to give her a bit more privacy :p
I think we will have fun in the future turning the furniture into castles...

In the toy box...

In the shoe box...

On the toy thingy...

Even at the Great GP's she was hiding behind the furniture.

The last great space to be is of course on Dads lap...

And always when the camera comes out she comes out with a big smilie, I dont know if she just thinks its funny or that she is like 'you caught me'... but hey she is a pretty happy baby so it is close to the truth.
Though with the below photo I really did catch her doing something the she shouldn't so the face shows the oops

sooooooooooo cute, kate is growning up so fast. i love the last photo
love you guys
She looks very happy, but hey with parents like she has, what do you expect.
Love you guys
really cool and cute pictures!!!! but show me some photo's of you and your pregnant belly!!!!
I don't know it you saw the video with sound or not but apparently they are raising questions if this can be approved for copy write reasons. I don't know why or how. But it is really cute what she says to me, so I hope they allow the sound back.
Kate has an uncle who liked to sit in small boxes, so maybe it runs in the family ;-)
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