Kate now weighs 9.1 kilo / 20.1 pounds
Her length is 75 cm / 29.5 inches
They are both really good measurements, at first it did not seem like much growth but when I updated her growth chart that I had since she was born it is a really good weight and length to be. She is slowly catching up to what she should be so I am really happy.
Also everything else was really good too in terms of her development and health. So that was good that we could go.
Kate has also taken her first steps, she walked between Caleb and myself, that was last Thursday and since then she will take a tentative step or 2 so I don't think it will be long before she is full on walking. She also has 5 teeth and the 6th is very close to breaking out.
So as you can tell it is all good with Kate.
With Caleb and myself things are going well too, the usual and taking each day as it comes. It may not be easy with the economy the way that it is but it is in God that we put our trust and so it will turn out just fine.
We also had a new well dug, as you can tell it was very interesting to watch.

Kate is gowning up very fast in to a lovely little lady, and looks like she is having fun doing so :)
Love you guys
So good to see Kate doing so well. By the time we're coming to visit I bet she's running around like crazy and hard to keep up with!
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