She has been learning to sleep in bed really well and at night can sleep around 6-8 hours straight which has been nice for me too. Though getting her to sleep to start off with can be a bit of a mission.

Kate spends a lot of time in the arms of both me and Oma, she loves it when we walk around more then when we sit, as seen below with Oma she loves also to be held upside down by her belly - I think it helps if she has gas.

This is Kate in her 'box' so that she can safely play and not have to lie on the ground, she can also keep herself entertnained - well at least for a little bit before she sleeps or wants to be picked up.
the traditional dutch "beschuit met muisjes" for any visitors, pink for Kate of course...

Both of us all dressed up to take passport photos - and yes uncle Erik she once again has a bad hair day!

All packed in to go for a walk sometime during the day - She does not like sitting in the seat but once we start moving then she falls asleep instantly.

A big thumbs up from Kate for sleeping on Opa during the evening - what can be more comfortable, no wonder she does not want to go to bed...

So as you can see, most of her day revolves around all the different places that she sleeps and the rest of the day being cuddled by the rest of us.
het meisje lief, mooi.
Houd van de foto's zoals altijd, zij als zij heeft veel pret op de spelmat kijkt, zegent de god
love you guys
Tjonge wat groeid ze hard zeg, hier gaan de vooruitgangen ook met sprongen, Yessie is inmiddels al weer 2 maanden. Weegt ook zo rond de 5 kilo, helaas slaapt ze de nachten nog niet door net als Kate. Ben wel beetje jaloers daarop :)
Dikke knuffel aan iedereen Annemarie en Yessie (je ziekenhuis vriendinnetje)
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