Both Kate and I wish you all a very merry Christmas! especially a big hug and kiss going out to Caleb/Dad we love you very much and we will see you soon.
In the last week both Kate and I have had our checkups. Kate is doing really well, she has grown about 3cm - just over an inch and put on a whole kilo, so she is now 4.845 over 10 pounds. The doctor also checked her reactions and things like that and everything looks great. I also went to the gynecologist and he is happy with how things are going. There was no reason why the whole birth went that bad and there is no reason why the next birth should not be a normal birth. I can even start running again - though with it being as cold as it is at the moment it will take a lot of convincing. So that is how it stands with us at the moment - now some photos.
Kate is getting into the Christmas spirit - whatever that is...
this morning everything was frozen solid - it did not snow but that is what it looked like. I think that this is the closest that we will get to a white Christmas... apparently in the last century there has been 4 white Christmases - so who says that there is global warming?
Just for Christmas we have a few extra videos, you can see how well Kate is doing, being able to hold her head up and also I got a little bit of one smile on camera. so enjoy the clips below and have a great Christmas!
This is Kate's bed, It was the bed that I slept in when I was her age. It also has been lined and covered from the material from my wedding dress, I admit it was scary cutting into the material, but it was all worth it. She has been learning to sleep in bed really well and at night can sleep around 6-8 hours straight which has been nice for me too. Though getting her to sleep to start off with can be a bit of a mission.
Kate spends a lot of time in the arms of both me and Oma, she loves it when we walk around more then when we sit, as seen below with Oma she loves also to be held upside down by her belly - I think it helps if she has gas.
This is Kate in her 'box' so that she can safely play and not have to lie on the ground, she can also keep herself entertnained - well at least for a little bit before she sleeps or wants to be picked up.
the traditional dutch "beschuit met muisjes" for any visitors, pink for Kate of course...
Both of us all dressed up to take passport photos - and yes uncle Erik she once again has a bad hair day!
All packed in to go for a walk sometime during the day - She does not like sitting in the seat but once we start moving then she falls asleep instantly.
A big thumbs up from Kate for sleeping on Opa during the evening - what can be more comfortable, no wonder she does not want to go to bed...
So as you can see, most of her day revolves around all the different places that she sleeps and the rest of the day being cuddled by the rest of us.
Kate is now one month old, And is doing really well. She is now 4.6 kilo which is just over 10 pounds, so that is great, She has put on about 100 grams a week. I have another video to celebrate, she is really close to smiling as you can see on the video.
I finally worked out how to use the video So here is a video of Kate in the bath, there will be more to come...
Kate is also more alert, it will not be long before we see her first real smile, she already responds to your voice and also can focus her eyes and really look at you.
Here is also a photo of how the video was taken, big thanks to Opa (notice the glasses being pulled down - does that mean that you are getting old dad?)