Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas is here!

The traditional family photos Christmas eve.

 The girls all dressed up. So beautiful! Love these girls.

 Our family 2014

 Kevin and Michelle and the girls.

Back at Grandpa and Grandma's house. getting really excited about presents...

had to get a photo with my favorite mother in law ;)

Santa's bounty all ready to go for when they wake up.
(my camera ran out of battery so I did not  get any morning footage but they were really excited for their gifts. Santa did well this year) 

 Christmas dinner

Totally done in the evening. fell asleep watching Earnest saves Christmas.

nearly Christmas!

 The girls got to see Santa together and have a chat...

Kevin and Michelle came over for the evening while we were busy with baking cookies and the like, brought a cool Frozen game and had a blast with the girls. The girls really love them and are becoming a real 3rd set of grandparents. Awesome!

The girls decorated cookies for presents and ate themselves into a sugar high...

 Kevin had given Caleb a deer leg which we obviously had to smoke, this is the finished result and of course was fantastic! Thanks Kevin! We got many great meals from it including Smoked deer leg 'Kroket' (croquettes) for Christmas dinner.

 Our tree, many of these presents were for each other - Kate really impressed us because she bought all of us presents from her own money.
And of course she wanted the one thing we could not give her - her 2 front teeth. ;)


A couple of random photos for December.

 Whenever I do a show, Kate always comes with and will do the kids crafts and things. Well this time they had face painting. She is a Panda I promise ;)

Anna and Jaylee playing video games - one activity saved for the weekend.

 Jaylee looking at Grandma's Christmas tree, so cute...

 Anna with crazy hair, Jaylee all dressed up,
Below Kate took a photo with Santa at another show. Also here Kate is making her own markers, very cool. Great present from Aunty Kirsten and June!