Kate and Anna waiting before performing
Kate was up first with their poetry class, I am glad I helped her remember the line with actions, so when she saw me do the actions she remembered her line...So cute.
Jaylee taking up the whole bench...
Both Kate and Anna took the ballet class, so they got to perform the dance they learned... So Cute! they did so well!
This is the ride home which tells its own story..
Jaylee was grumpy and I wanted to take a photo of her grumpy with reindeer antlers on... Kate and Anna smiled for the photo
Jaylee then saw the photo so for the next one she is all happy, meanwhile Anna found her antlers and was also all happy, Kate could not find her antlers so was refusing to smile and be happy...
A little while later Kate found her antlers so was all happy again, though Jaylee was asleep by then. But Anna had trouble keeping her eyes open for a photo,
So Kate kept looking at Anna to see if her eyes were open
And then they finally got it right...
Anyway it was a fun night!