We are now the proud Aunt and Uncle to Elijah Antoine van der Gaag! He was born on the 28th of March at 9:35 am weighing in at 8lbs 5oz As far as I know both baby and mother are doing well and arrived home today. Once they get the time I am sure more photos will come (new addition to the family can throw any experienced family...) but here are a few of the photos that I have received.
Last weekend we had some visitors from NY - the amazing grandparents and cousin... It was a lot of fun and this time I actually got some footage from it.
Kate loves the new lazyboy (the last of the Christmas presents...)
The family just enjoying the last bits of the Sat sun...
Last week we had friends Guillaume and Michelle come and visit from the Netherlands! It was great to see them again.
Fuddrockers! The best burger place in town... yum yum
Then the trip home...It's always nice to sleep after a big meal...
Kate took to Guillaume from the moment he walked in the door, it was very cute, and as you can tell Guillaume had no trouble teaching her a few bad habbits... They are now "Friendtjes"
On Wednesday we made a visit to DC, we had perfect weather and got to see most of the monuments, next time we will try to get an extra museum in the schedule. here is the white house behind bars.
Here is the Lincoln memorial
Here we are sitting by the Washington Monument
While we were in D.C. our friend Lisa looked after kate for the day - thanks for that Lisa, it made things a lot easier for us. They went to a kids Gym, and it looks like Kate had a lot of fun.
On Thursday we went to the Amish market, it is always fun to go there, they always have amazing food! Their meet loaf was fanatastic and we also had pulled pork sandwiches with home made lemonade - so tasty!
we also just did a lot of hanging out, it was really great to see them both, Thanks guys for making the effort to come visit us, you guys rock!