Thursday, December 24, 2009


Friday, December 18, 2009


Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Opa and Oma updated

We had a great time with Opa and Oma when they were here on their last visit. They are not back in NZ - have fun!!!!!!!
We did a verity of things while they were here, one being thanksgiving:

Sooooo goooooood!!!!!!!!!


hope to see you soon!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kate's Birthday!

Kate had a great weekend with her birthday. It was great with all the grandparents and us. I can't believe she is now 2...
Here is a movie with some photos.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

June and Aunty Kirsten

June and Aunty Kirsten came to visit for a few days, great as always to see them!

Grandma, June, Kate, Anna and I went 'pumpkin picking' an American tradition that was a lot of fun, we had great weather which is a bonus. And also where we went there were a lot of games to play for all ages. I think Kate and June both really enjoyed it - I know I did!
(I really like the 'photos' Grandma made at the end ;)

We also went to the 'pottery barn' you get to paint pottery and they fire it for you, it is a lot of fun and now we have a toothbrush holder...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Uncle Severin

Uncle Severin was around for a few days wich is always fun.

Happy girl!

little ham...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The girls

Somebody likes blue cheese dressing...

Me and the girls...

Monday, September 28, 2009

back online...

Opa and Oma does this bring back any memories????? <:o)

Hey guys
we just moved so that explains the lack of updates and communication. That does not mean that things have not been happening. As I said we moved - which is a good thing but we could use some prayer as we are trying to buy a house and not everything is going as smoothly as it could. so please pray for Gods favor and grace on this whole thing as I am turning gray! ;)
Caleb is away at school for a few weeks which is great but we miss him a lot.
One thing was cool we got a few nice sunsets at our last week in the house as you can see.

Great Grandpa was here for a visit, so that was great to have him meet Anna and just to hang out with him.
He has just had surgery which went really well - which is great!
June was also here for a visit which is always fun and will be coming again soon as well as Aunty Kirsten and Uncle Severin - looking forward to that.
Here are some photos...with more family photos coming later - and hopefully an update with good news about the house.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Family fun and check up

Uncle Severin and Aunty Lisa came and stayed for a weekend, it was great to see them though I did not get many photos I am sad to say...But here are some anyway and some videos of Kate dancing and June staying...(who btw has a really cute haircut!)

Grandparents with grandkids

Lisa and Anna

Dancing Kate

Out to lunch...

At the pool...

Anna's first time in the pool.

Uncle Severin, June and Kate

Anna had her 2 month check up this week and she is doing really well!Growing like a champ. She is now 15 1/2 pounds - 7 kilo Her height is 23" - 58.4 cm
She is a very happy baby too, smiles really easily and loves attention(doesn't everyone:)She sleeps through the night which is a great blessing. So all is well with the littlest Clemens.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Down by the water at our house there is a little bit of sand, just enough for Kate to play with - which she loves, and as you can see the shoes come right off, then they are used to put sand in and then you have to put sand on yourself of course - lots of fun!

Kate coloring in, she likes the color blue...

Kate has yet to understand the toys that are hers, but she is doing really well with Anna, very gentle - I am really proud of her!

Anna smilies alot, just a matter of getting it on film...