In this photo below Kate really has the same look as when I was a baby, it is weird how most people say that she looks like Caleb, but there are moments when she really has a lot of me in there - which is really cool.
Kate is now crawling to no end, really fast too! she can pull herself up on the table , your cloths, the couch - anything she can, so she is a lot more happy that she is mobile but then I have to keep a good eye on her.
Here she is standing up and picking up everything she can.
Here is a little bit of her crawling, I have also been looking after Olivia for some weeks in the summer, she is a great girl and a lot of fun. She is also really great with Kate.
As you can tell that was the first arms then belly down then legs shuffle. She did the army shuffle for a while on her arms. Also we have the one knee bent and the other straight with arms straight. She likes to experiment as long as it gets her from a too b!
Kate now has all 4 front teeth come through! yeah. They just need to grow. At the same time I am getting another wisdom tooth so I can really feel for her at the moment ;)
As it has been very hot - well more humid we get in the water as much as we can. And Kate and June really enjoy the water. Below is in Jarit's pool it was nice to get out of the heat!
(For some reason utube had more trouble with the quality of a water video but I have put it on anyway cause it is still a cute video)
This is our little pool that we set up in the back, as you can tell I think the adults in the pool have as much fun as Kate.
This is Gabriel... We hang out with him and his mom Lisa during the week and at church. They have a lot of fun together.
In the last month we have some great videos and have not had the chance to upload them. So here they all are, make sure you have more then a few minutes to enjoy them or take one at a time. There are also some great photos in between
See my first tooth... (zoom in really close if possible)