striping to get ready Waiting for the nurse and then the doctor... She weighs 5.93 kilos (with nappy 5.98) she is now 63 1/2 cm The doctor taking a look - everything is fine, Kate is doing really well. the only thing is she has a bit of eczema so we have to watch her skin, and a few less baths...sorry hun
Kate is now over 3 months old and doing really well. She is really starting to look at things and realize that she can pick them up - (though the coordination still has to come.) and put them in her mouth.
A series of expressions. As you can tell she really dribbles a lot.
she is also really starting to 'chat' to you, though of course its only baby noises, but its very cute.
Her head/neck is getting stronger and she can hold her head up really well, so well that she holds her head stiff enough that you can pull her up. Though as you can see below at the end she does not always want too, so obviously we don't just pull her up.
When she is learning something new then she looks very serious because she is concentrating so hard.
At the moment in BOZ there is carnival, Tradition is that before the fast before easter they had to use up there food, so that meant a big meal, now it is a big party, great for the kids and wearing curtains (and for the adults drinking a lot of bear), ask me about it in more detail later. but as you can see the clock gets dressed up too and he talks to the kids. a lot of fun.
Thanks for your prayers everyone we still need them! at the moment we are need them more then ever, not for too much longer! - till the next challenge ;p We are doing OK. I have gone back to work, I will work until march then as soon as we can Kate and I will go to America to join Caleb. Oma and Opa are doing the baby sitting. Big thanks to them. Caleb is doing OK, with more then his fair share of challenges in terms of living situation and the rest. on top of everything he managed to break his foot. Thats the picture for now, hopefully one of these days it will be less crazy.