Saturday, September 22, 2007


Hey guys,
Just to let you know how things are going, I had another checkup yesterday and everything looks good. The babys heart sounds good, strong and regular so that is great. The baby is a little bigger then the midwife thought should be for 34 weeks - felt more like 35 weeks (so who knows I might be a week early) Also because of the way that the baby was lying for last few checkups I need to go for an extra ultrasound. So that is on monday. It is just precautionary so nothing to worry about,
Opa is coming for the ride so that should be fun.

With Caleb, he has been working the last week at a restartant so that is really great that he has work. And also it has a lot of potential to make some decent money.
Everything else is also going well, only 2 weeks of work left which will be a relief.

Here are some pictures of my growing belly...

Thats about it, I should have some more baby photos next week with this next ultrasound.
Have a great weekend

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Latest update

Everything is going really well with the baby. I can feel the baby kicking all the time, though now because of lack of room in there it is not as much.
With every check up everything is going well. my blood pressure is a little low though that is nothing new for me and also nothing to worry about, and the baby is also devolping well. So that is all great.

With Marlies - I am a pretty tired from a mixture of things. Like my legs are giving me trouble and keeping me awake at night, and with work they can be some long days. (Just 4 1/2 weeks and then I am on maternity leave) but otherwise I am healthy and very much excited about the baby.

With Caleb - for those that did not know, he is just back in the US to earn some money, babies are not cheap and my wage is not enough to get through. Also at some point choices have to be made and staying in Holland with no visa to be able to do anything is not an option any longer. So he will be back in time for when the baby is due. We will both miss him very much as the baby really responds to his voice.

That is about it, Please pray for us as a family. That Caleb is safe and that he can find a job fast that earns the money that we need. Also for me that the weeks left will not be too hard, and also that the baby keeps devolping well with no complications. Also that choices that have to be made about the future are the right choices and that everything goes well.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.

- Marlies

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Photos of Caleb and Marlies (with belly) at 7 months

And the third is on the way...

Here are a few photos of the newest member of the family on the way.
This photo was at about 3 months.
Later photos were harder to see and understand this will do until the baby is born.